Over 33 years of experience that you can benefit from.
Over 33 years of experience that you can benefit from.
National City Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Information
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) & Junior ADU (JADU) Overview
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are detached or attached accessory structures on a residential lot that provide
independent living areas. A junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU) is a residential dwelling with a total floor area
of not less than one hundred fifty square feet and not more than five hundred square feet and is permitted within
an existing or proposed single-family residential dwelling unit.
National City Ordinances for ADUs (18.30.380) and JADUs (18.30.390) can be found on the Municipal Code webpage.
The State of California maintains additional regulations and resources on the State Accessory
Dwelling Unit webpage.
ADU Permit Applications:
- Permit applications can be found on the Applications and Informational Handouts webpage.
- Complete application packet, including a completed Credit Card Authorization Form (PDF)
- Application packets may be emailed to building@nationalcityca.gov.
- Application packet may also be dropped off in person at the Building Division Counter at City Hall between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
For general questions on ADUs please contact the Planning Division staff at (619) 336-4310.
For additional information or assistance with the permit application information and fees contact the Building
Division staff at 619-336-4210.
Coming Soon!
ADU/JADU Quick Guide and Pre-approved Plans
ADU Loan Program
To learn how ADUs and JADUs help advance the City’s goals and policies visit the Housing Element webpage.