Over 33 years of experience that you can benefit from.
Over 33 years of experience that you can benefit from.
Lemon Grove Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Information
Providing the following information on plans will assist the Planning Department to expedite the ADU/JADU plan re-view. Further, the information will likely reduce the number of plan submittals necessary to submit to the Department.
Title Page
Provide a detailed scope of work that specifies the number and type of ADU/JADU being constructed and any other work occurring on the site.
Provide a table that specifies:
- The property’s zoning classification.
- Itemizes all structures on the site and provides their square-footages.
- Provides percentage of the ADU square-footage to the primary residence.
- Provide a proposed ADU to existing residence calculation expressed as a percentage.
- Provide a landscape to lot square-footage calculation expressed as a percentage.
- Provide the square-footage of open space to be provided.
Provide a proximity map that identifies the distance from the nearest bus stop or transit center to the subject property. Both parking and allowable building height is impacted if the subject property is within ½ mile of transit.
Site Plan
- Provide a full site plan.
- Show all existing structures on the site and label them accordingly (ADU, JADU, Garage, Patio, etc.).
- Clearly distinguish between existing and proposed structures and labels them accordingly.
- Distinguish between existing and proposed hardscape and landscaped areas.
- Provide the locations of all existing and proposed mechanical equipment on the property.
- Provide the location of existing and proposed parking spaces.
- Provide contour lines for sloping properties
- Outline landscape area on the site plan and specify the total area up to 15% of the lot.
- Provide elevations for all sides of the proposed ADU. Additions must provide elevations of all sides of exist-
ing building. - Provide a Building height measurement.
- Identify proposed materials and colors of the proposed ADU and the existing residence. Exterior materials must be similar to the primary.
Other Information
- Providing staff the County Assessor Building Construction Record can be useful when there are structures of questionable permit history.